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What is real-time network monitoring?

Real-time monitoring tools aim to spot network failure quickly. Here are two types of problems to look for and they are not all covered by the same tool in the package list of some providers. A network performance monitor, otherwise known as a network device monitor, scans network equipment to ensure that they are not faulty. A network traffic monitor, which is also known as a bandwidth analyzer records traffic volumes traveling down a link and the capacity of the switch interface that the link connects to. If traffic volumes look like they are going to exceed the capacity of the interface, there is a problem to deal with.

In both cases, the network monitor will raise an alert for a detected problem. In the case of network device monitors, the alert will be triggered by a warning that comes from a device agent. In the case of the traffic monitor, the network monitoring system will calculate the levels of traffic as a proportion of total capacity and raise an alert if it passes a certain level. In most network monitoring systems, the threshold levels of calculated warnings can be adjusted manually.

The typical network monitor will show an alert in the technician’s console. In most cases, it is possible to set up notification rules that will forward alerts to specific people by email, SMS, or messenger app. 

Why is real-time network monitoring important?

Network problems can ruin an entire organization if they arise suddenly, blocking the delivery of data to user apps. Therefore, they need to be predicted and averted wherever possible. This is why a network traffic monitor will place an alert threshold at a percentage of full capacity. For example, it might set its alert threshold at 75 percent of capacity. Usually, those threshold levels can be adjusted manually. These are the core mechanisms for monitoring a network in real-time.

The purpose of these thresholds is to buy time for technicians to take action to head off disaster. Thus, user applications never get impaired. In the case of device failure, those problems are not so easy to predict. However, the device agent will scan every attribute and component of a switch or router, so there could be warning signs that should be acted upon. For example, if the temperature of a switch’s CPU starts to rise, the IT support team could presume that a failure is about to happen. Issues such as temperature anomalies will provoke alerts. 

What to look for in real-time network monitoring tools

If you are in the market for a real-time monitoring tool, you need a list of criteria to examine to select the best option. 

Here is our list of factors to look at when buying a real-time network monitoring tool:

  1. SNMP Capability: Look for a device monitor that uses the Simple Network Management Protocol. This system is already installed on all network devices and those agents will send out alerts for divide problems. All that’s needed is a monitors to pick them up. 
  2. Flow Protocols: If you want to track network traffic levels, you will need to select a monitor with as many flow protocols as possible. These are query languages and each device provider chooses its preferred system. If your monitor doesn’t use the right protocols, it won’t be able to read traffic volume data. Look for NetFlow, IPFIX, sFlow, and J-Flow to cover all of your devices.
  3. Alert Processing: If a monitor is SNMP-based, then alerts for device failure are already sorted. However, traffic monitoring is threshold-driven, and you can also add extra detection criteria based on calculations with device monitors. So, make sure that your preferred network monitor allows alert condition customization.
  4. Notifications: Your technicians shouldn’t have to keep watching the network monitoring console for an alert to appear. Get a tool that will forward alerts to your team by email, SMS, or messaging app.
  5. System Compatibility: If you are assessing a downloadable software package for network monitoring, ensure that it runs on an operating system that you have on your site. Makre sure that you have all of the additionals supporting infradrtrutue that the tool requires and that you have enough disk space. If your servers don’t met the requirements, look for a different tool. Cloud-based systems don’t have any system requirements.
  6. Integrations: Some tools can channel alerts into Service Desk ticketing systems or remote monitoring and management packages. Look for a network monitor that is compatible with the other systems that you have already. 

Fortunately, most network monitoring tools operate a real-time network alerts system. 


What is the real-time monitoring technique?

The key mechanism in a real-time network monitoring system is its alerting system. Network monitors gather data from the network continuously. However, you need to be notified of only the important events so that serious work doesn’t get drowned out by masses of reporting on mundane activity.

How do I monitor live network traffic?

Monitor live network traffic with a bandwidth analyzer. These systems extract traffic data from switches using flow protocols. 

What is the purpose of real-time monitoring?

Real-time network monitoring is designed to give technicians the opportunity to deal with network problems as soon as they emerge, or, even better, to spot them before they actually evolve into serious issues.