Wireshark Cheat Sheet

Wireshark is a widely used open-source network protocol analyzer that allows users to capture and inspect data packets traveling across a network in real time. Originally developed by Gerald Combs in 1998, Wireshark has become one of the most powerful and essential tools for network administrators, cybersecurity professionals, and anyone interested in network troubleshooting and analysis.

The tool supports a vast range of network protocols and can decode hundreds of different types of data streams, making it suitable for various tasks such as diagnosing network issues, monitoring traffic, identifying security vulnerabilities, and ensuring compliance with network policies. Wireshark is a software package that installs on Windows, macOS, and Linux and you can download it for free.

Wireshark provides a user-friendly graphical interface, which displays captured packets with detailed information such as source and destination addresses, protocol types, and packet content. Users can apply filters to analyze specific types of traffic, search through capture files, and visualize network patterns. Additionally, Wireshark supports both wired and wireless networks, including advanced features like packet decryption for encrypted protocols like SSL/TLS.

Being open-source and actively maintained, Wireshark has a large and vibrant community contributing to its development. The analyzer is indispensable for professionals in fields such as network administration, security analysis, and software development, helping them to gain deep insights into network communications.

All the information that has been provided in the cheat sheet is also visible further down this page in a format that is easy to copy and paste.

The cheat sheet covers:

  • Wireshark Capturing Modes
  • Filter Types
  • Capture Filter Syntax
  • Display Filter Syntax
  • Protocols – Values
  • Filtering packets (Display Filters)
  • Logical Operators
  • Default columns in a packet capture output
  • Miscellaneous Items
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Common Filtering Commands
  • Main Toolbar Items

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What’s included in the Wireshark cheat sheet?

The following categories and items have been included in the cheat sheet:

Wireshark Capturing Modes

Wireshark Capturing Modes

Promiscuous mode

Sets interface to capture all packets on a network segment to which it is associated to

Monitor mode

setup the Wireless interface to capture all traffic it can receive (Unix/Linux only)

Filter Types

Filter Types

Capture filter

Filter packets during capture

Display Filter

Hide Packets from a capture display

Capture Filter Syntax

Capture filter Syntax






Logical operator







tcp dst

Display Filter Syntax

Display Filter Syntax



String 1

String 2

Comparison Operator


logical operator








tcp port

Protocols – Values

Protocols - Values

ether, fddi, ip, arp, rarp, decnet, lat, sca, moprc, mopdl, tcp and udp

Filtering packets (Display Filters)

Filtering packets (Display Filters)




eq or ==


ip.dest ==

ne or !=

Not Equal

ip.dest !=

gt or >

Greater than

frame.len > 10

lt or <

Less than

frame.len <10

ge or >=

Greater than or Equal

frame.len >= 10

le or <=

Less than or Equal


Miscellaneous Items


Slice Operator

[…] - Range of values

Membership Operator

{} - In


Start/Stop Capturing

Logical Operators

Logical Operators




and or &&

Logical AND

All the conditions should match

or or ||

Logical OR

Either all or one of the condition should match

xor or ^^

Logical XOR

exclusive alternation – Only one of the two conditions should match not both

not or !


Not equal to

[n] […]

Substring operator

Filter a specific word or text

Default columns in a packet capture output

Default columns in a packet capture output


Frame number from the beginning of the packet capture


Seconds from the first frame

Source (src)

Source address, commonly an IPv4, IPv6 or Ethernet address

Destination (dst)

Destination address


Protocol used in the Ethernet frame, IP packet, or TCP segment


Length of the frame in bytes

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts – main display window





Tab or Shift+Tab

Move between screen elements, e.g. from the toolbars to the packet list to the packet detail.

Alt+ or Option+

Move to the next packet in the selection history.

Move to the next packet or detail item.

In the packet detail, opens the selected tree item.

Move to the previous packet or detail item.


In the packet detail, opens the selected tree item and all of its subtrees.

Ctrl+ or F8

Move to the next packet, even if the packet list isn’t focused.


In the packet detail, opens all tree items.

Ctrl+ or F7

Move to the previous packet, even if the packet list isn’t focused.


In the packet detail, closes all tree items.


Move to the next packet of the conversation (TCP, UDP or IP).


In the packet detail, jumps to the parent node.


Move to the previous packet of the conversation (TCP, UDP or IP).

Return or Enter

In the packet detail, toggles the selected tree item.

Common Filtering Commands


Filter syntax

Wireshark Filter by IP

ip.addr ==

Filter by Destination IP

ip.dest ==

Filter by Source IP

ip.src ==

Filter by IP range

ip.addr >= and ip.addr <=

Filter by Multiple Ips

ip.addr == and ip.addr ==

Filter out/ Exclude IP address

!(ip.addr ==

Filter IP subnet

ip.addr ==

Filter by multiple specified IP subnets

ip.addr == and ip.addr ==

Filter by Protocol

  • dns
  • http
  • ftp
  • ssh
  • arp
  • telnet
  • icmp

Filter by port (TCP)

tcp.port == 25

Filter by destination port (TCP)

tcp.dstport == 23

Filter by ip address and port

ip.addr == and Tcp.port == 25

Filter by URL

http.host == “host name”

Filter by time stamp

frame.time >= “June 02, 2019 18:04:00”

Filter SYN flag

tcp.flags.syn == 1

tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0

Wireshark Beacon Filter

wlan.fc.type_subtype = 0x08

Wireshark broadcast filter

eth.dst == ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

WiresharkMulticast filter

(eth.dst[0] & 1)

Host name filter

ip.host = hostname

MAC address filter

eth.addr == 00:70:f4:23:18:c4

RST flag filter

tcp.flags.reset == 1

Main Toolbar Items

Main toolbar items Screenshot

Main toolbar items

Toolbar Icon

Toolbar Item

Menu Item


  Capture start


Capture → Start

Uses the same packet capturing options as the previous session, or uses defaults if no options were set

  Capture stop


Capture → Stop

Stops currently active capture

  Capture restart


Capture → Restart

Restarts active capture session



Capture → Options…

Opens “Capture Options” dialog box



File → Open…

Opens "File open" dialog box to load a capture for viewing

  Save As

Save As…

File → Save As…

Save current capture file



File → Close

Close current capture file

  File reload


View → Reload

Reloads current capture file

  Find packet

Find Packet…

Edit → Find Packet…

Find packet based on different criteria

  Go Back

Go Back

Go → Go Back

Jump back in the packet history


Go Forward

Go → Go Forward

Jump forward in the packet history

  Go to packet

Go to Packet…

Go → Go to Packet…

Go to specific packet

  Go to first packet

Go To First Packet

Go → First Packet

Jump to first packet of the capture file

  Go to last packet

Go To Last Packet

Go → Last Packet

Jump to last packet of the capture file

  Auto scroll

Auto Scroll in Live Capture

View → Auto Scroll in Live Capture

Auto scroll packet list during live capture



View → Colorize

Colorize the packet list (or not)

  Zoom in

Zoom In

View → Zoom In

Zoom into the packet data (increase the font size)

Zoom out

Zoom Out

View → Zoom Out

Zoom out of the packet data (decrease the font size)

  Zoom level

Normal Size

View → Normal Size

Set zoom level back to 100%

  Resize Columns

Resize Columns

View → Resize Columns

Resize columns, so the content fits to the width

Lesser known yet handy Wireshark features

  1. Statistics and analysis tools: Wireshark comes with a range of built-in tools to analyze network data. Examples include the ability to visualize statistics, like protocol hierarchy, endpoints, packet lengths, and more. I added this command as an example: Statistics > Protocol Hierarchy.
  2. Stream Follow: The ability to follow a TCP, UDP, or SSL/TLS stream, which can be very useful for understanding what’s happening in a particular connection. I added this example: Right-click on a packet and select Follow > TCP Stream.
  3. Exporting and Saving Data: Commands for exporting specific packets, saving packet data, or creating PCAP files can also be useful. I added this example: File > Export Specified Packets....
  4. Capture Interfaces: Selecting and managing capture interfaces can be helpful. I added this example: Capture > Options > Manage Interfaces.
  5. Time Display Format and Precision: Commands for changing the time display format and precision might also be helpful for some users. I added this example:, View > Time Display Format > Seconds Since Beginning of Capture.

More Wireshark tutorials:

Wireshark FAQs

What are the filters in Wireshark?

Wireshark filters reduce the number of packets displayed in the Wireshark data viewer. This function lets you see the packets that are relevant to your research. There are two types of filters:

  • capture filters
  • display filters

Applying a filter to the packet capture process reduces the volume of traffic that Wireshark reads

How do I capture a filter in Wireshark?

You can reduce the amount of packets Wireshark copies with a capture filter.

  1. Locate the Capture section on the Home screen. The first line in this section is labeled using this filter:
  2. The file that follows this prompt allows you to enter a filter statement.
  3. Select an interface to capture from and then click on the shark fin icon on the menu bar to start a capture.

If you don’t see the Home page:

  1. Click on Capture on the menu bar and then select Options from that drop-down menu. You will see a list of available interfaces and the capture filter field towards the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select an interface by clicking on it, enter the filter text, then click on the Start button.

How does Wireshark capture packets?

Wireshark accesses a separate program to collect packets from the wire of the network through the network card of the computer that hosts it. This program is based on the pcap protocol, which is implemented in libpcap for Unix, Linux, and macOS, and by WinPCap on Windows. The installer for Wireshark will also install the necessary pcap program.