Best Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) Tools

Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a cloud platform that runs the software needed to backup data. The business that uses the service doesn’t need to host the backup software because the system is delivered from the provider’s server. So, the client gets all of the backup services run off-site.

BaaS systems often also include server space to hold the backup files. However, this is not always the case. Some BaaS providers have deduced that they have a better chance of winning clients if they allow their system to interface with an external cloud storage service.

Here is our list of the best Backup as a Service tools:

  1. NinjaOne Backup EDITOR’S CHOICE This cloud-based system offers a multi-tenant architecture, which is designed for use by managed service providers. Manage many endpoints on multiple sites for several clients with one account. Start a 14-day free trial.
  2. N-able Cove Data Protection (FREE TRIAL) This cloud-based backup service can be used for recovery, replication, or migration, and it includes secure, mirrored storage space in each plan. Start a 30-day free trial.
  3. Vembu Cloud BDR Suite (FREE TRIAL) A SaaS platform offering six editions that each provide backup and recovery services for specific resources. Access the 30-day free trial.
  4. Acronis Cyber Protect (FREE TRIAL) This is a package of systems for endpoints, including a patch manager, an anti-malware system, and a backup service. These tools are all delivered from the cloud. Start a 30-day free trial.
  5. Ottomatik This SaaS system specializes in backing up databases organized by PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MySQL. File backup is also available.
  6. Google Cloud Backup and DR This cloud-based system is provided to backup the data and settings of Google Cloud Platform accounts and the services that run on it and will also backup some on-premises applications.
  7. Acronis Cyber Backup This flexible SaaS solution offers a range of backup storage targets, including cloud servers.
  8. Druva Enterprise Cloud Backup An efficient unified backup and recovery system that deduplicates all of your data by merging them into a central, cloud-based data lake.

Using BaaS systems

The console for a BaaS system is always hosted on the provider’s service, and the users access it through any standard Web browser. Usually, the backup service offers a range of strategies that include:

  • Full backup
  • Incremental backup
  • Differential backup

A full backup is exactly what it sounds like: all of the files for the protected system are copied over with each backup event. Both incremental and differential backups involve copying over partial systems. These services usually mix periodic full backups into the schedule. The partial backups of a differential backup will take any files that have changed since the last full backup. Incremental backup copies any file that has changed since the previous backup action, whether total or partial.

The transfer of data is usually protected by encryption. To operate the client end of that protected connection, it is usual that an agent module is installed on the host of the system that is being protected or on a server that can access that device over a local area network.

There might be many agents operating on a client’s network with one agent for each protected application or each host device. However, some systems reduce the digital footprint on-site by focusing all local processing in one module for the entire network and all backup tasks.

Types of BaaS backups

Three strategies can e adopted for backing up a system:

  • Application-level backups
  • File-level backups
  • System-level backups

To understand the difference between these three strategies, consider a database. A backup system can include a module that can get into the database and run an extract, generating a file, which can then be transferred to the backup storage. That is an application-level backup service. On the other hand, an application-level backup requires an agent module of the BaaS to be written following the native scripting language of the application and, therefore, provides a specialized “integration.”

File-level and system-level backups don’t require specialized processes. Instead, the file-level backup is simply accessed the protected system’s operating system and copies over the underlying files that compose the database. System-level backup does the same, but it doesn’t target specific – it copies all files with extensions indicating data content. Another type of system-level backup is block-level backup. This can copy only the parts of fields that have changed since the last backup – a file-level backup would copy over all of the files if part of it has changed.

Another type of backup is called the “system state backup.” This sets up a package of stored data that enables all of the facilities running on a server to be recreated on another bare metal server, so it includes all of the operating system and all of the files resident on the original server. This type of backup is usually stored as an ISO image.

Disaster recovery

A function to manage the restoration of data to the original system is usually included in the BaaS package. Because of this feature, BaaS systems are also known as BDR: Backup and Disaster Recovery.

In a BDR, the backup events are usually automated, and they occur periodically without any manual intervention. This is the groundwork that needs to put all of the necessary files in place on another system so that the disaster recovery system can restore lost data to its original location.

A user request almost always initiates disaster recovery. Some systems store periodic full backups and index these by date and time. This is called a point-in-time recovery system and offers a list of rollback points for the user to choose from. Usually, the service will only retain a limited number of versions of the original system, aging out older copies as a more recent backup is stored. This strategy prevents an ever-increasing need for storage space while still providing several rollback options.

BaaS user decisions

Customers of BaaS services are usually presented with an out-of-the-box solution. However, predicting what a specific business needs in a backup service enables the BaaS provider to win a more significant market share by emphasizing the service’s ease of use.

Within the console of the BaaS platform, the user will be presented with a series of options. One critical decision that needs to be made is the frequency of backup and the strategy to implement. For point-in-time recovery, the customer also needs to decide how many backup versions should be retained.

These choices influence the price of the BaaS package. Like most cloud platform services, BaaS is usually charged for a subscription basis with a rate per month or year. Some providers offer a range of plans, with each plan presenting pre-set capabilities over data capacity in storage and the frequency of the backup cycle. Programs that provide more frequent backups will cost more. By providing variations in this factor, BaaS providers and cater to a wide range of business types.

Providers that don’t offer plans or even a price list will have a formula that enables sales representatives to calculate a quote for each potential customer. The elements in that equation will be factors such as data throughput volume.

The best Backup as a Service tool

While it is frustrating that many BaaS providers don’t publish their prices, it is understandable that the price should alter according to the quality of service offered. Price will be a significant factor in any decision over which BaaS system to opt for. However, because of pricing obscurity, we haven’t taken that factor into our assessment.

Our methodology for selecting a Backup as a Service tool

We reviewed the market for BaaS platforms and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • Options over storage provider or included storage
  • A service that is flexible and can be adapted to different business requirements
  • Opportunities for application, file, and system backups
  • Choices over full, incremental, and differential backups
  • Robust security for file transfers
  • A free trial or a demo system for a cost-free assessment opportunity
  • Value for money, provided by a reliable BaaS at a reasonable price

With this set of criteria in mind, we have identified some excellent BaaS platforms that will ensure that your company is prepared for any data-related catastrophe. For example, BaaS services are often used to recover from a ransomware attack – with a full backup available, and the business can just restore data rather than paying the ransom. Other uses for backup systems are system replication and migration.

As an essential tool for data protection, the backup system needs to include processes to prevent ransomware and files infected with malware from being extracted over into the backup storage. Thus, a good BaaS is more than just a remote file copy function.

You can read more about each of these services in the following sections.

1. NinjaOne Backup (FREE TRIAL)

NinjaOne Backup

NinjaOne Backup is a cloud platform and so it uses the classic BaaS format. The software for the service runs on the NinjaOne servers and receives data transfers from agents installed on protected endpoints. The service also provides storage space to hold those backup repositories.

Key Features:

  • Endpoint Integration: Integrates with endpoint management for streamlined backup processes.
  • Cloud Foundation: Leverages cloud technology for scalable and accessible backup storage.
  • Secure Data Handling: Ensures data is encrypted during transmission and storage for maximum security.
  • Dual Storage Approach: Utilizes a two-level storage strategy to optimize data retrieval and safety.
  • Incremental Backup: Employs block-level incremental backup to efficiently update saved data.

Why do we recommend it?

NinjaOne Backup is designed to back up multiple sites and even multiple clients per account from its cloud location. This system is part of a platform of remote system monitoring and management services that can all be accessed through any standard Web browser. The system provides a self-service portal that lets users recover their own files.

The NinjaOne Backup subscribers are usually Managed Service Providers. This is because the tool offers a multi-tenant architecture, which enables the account manager to set up subaccounts for the MSPs clients. The storage space for backups is similarly partitioned, keeping client data separate. Each subaccount is protected by 256-bit AES encryption with a different key for each client area.

The transfers of data from and to the protected endpoints for backup and recovery are also kept secure by 256-bit AES encryption. As this is a cloud-based system, NinjaOne Backup has global reach. It connects across the internet and communicates with its gents, which can be installed anywhere. This means that the Backup system can also protect the individual computers of work-from-home employees.

The procedures for remote worker device protection include backup to the cloud and a self-service portal that allows the device’s user to get a data recovery on demand. MSPs can decide where to store backups for their client’s data. Repositories can be set up on client servers, on MSP-located servers, on the storage space included with the NinjaOne Backup package, or on third-party cloud platforms. Combining these options to get repository duplication is a common safety strategy.

Who is it recommended for?

This system is designed for managed service providers. Each account holder can set up sub-accounts for clients. This gives each MSP client a separate storage space for backup repositories. The technicians of the MSP nominally manage the system however, it usually functions unattended. IT departments can use the tool as well.


  • Flexible Imaging Options: Supports disk or OS imaging and block-level copying for versatile backup solutions.
  • Comprehensive Backup Types: Offers full, differential, and incremental backups to suit various data protection needs.
  • File and Application Safety: Enables backup of individual files and applications for targeted data preservation.
  • Remote Worker Protection: Guards the data of home-based employees, ensuring their work devices are securely backed up.
  • Cloud and Service Backup: Capable of backing up cloud applications and services, extending protection beyond physical devices.


  • Lack of Transparent Pricing: Absence of a publicly available price list, making cost assessment challenging for potential users.

NinjaOne provides bespoke pricing. You can access a free demo and get a quote. You can also start a 14-day free trial.


NinjaOne Backup is our top pick for a BaaS tool because it enables MSPs to provide an extra data security service to their customers and it keeps their data securely separate. The tool offers a wide range of backup strategies and includes processes for protecting the devices of work-from-home employees. This would also be a great tool for use by the central IT department of a multi-site organization.

Official Site:

OS: Cloud-based

2. N-able Cove Data Protection (FREE TRIAL)

N-able Cove Data Protection

N-able Cove Data Protection is a SaaS platform that includes secure cloud storage space in its plans. Once extracted and stored, a backup bundle can be used to restore data to its original location or replicate systems. In addition, the service can easily install the original system in a new location, making it a migration service.

Key Features:

  • MSP-Focused Design: Tailored specifically for managed service providers, offering tools and functionalities suited to their needs.
  • Database and Cloud Storage: Includes database backup capabilities along with secure cloud storage space.

Why do we recommend it?

N-able Cove Data Protection is a cloud-based service that is provided from a platform of MSP tool, which includes remote monitoring and management. This backup service is a sophisticated tool that offers a range of strategies, that includes file-level and application-aware options. This is particularly useful for database backups.

N-able produces tools for managed service providers, and its Backup package is part of that strategy. In addition, an account in this system can be subdivided, providing sub-accounts for each MSP client. Thus, the N-able system provides MSPs with another service that they can profitably offer to their clients.

Some beautiful features of this package include unlimited cloud storage and unmetered data transfers. There also isn’t a higher charge for high-frequency backups. In addition, data transfers and storage space are protected by 256-bit AES encryption, and all accounts are mirrored at a second data center to provide automatic backup location reliability.

An N-able backup can be used for recovery, replication, and migration. It offers bare metal recovery options and also physical-to-virtual transition. The backup system provides hot and warm backups, which run while the database is still live and being accessed by users. The service can perform application-level backups for Microsoft 365, VMs, and databases. The DBMSs that this service interacts with are MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. The system also facilitates file-level and server backups.

Who is it recommended for?

This package is aimed at managed services providers, although it could also be subscribed to by IT departments for in-house use. The primary market for this system will be businesses that already use one of the N-able RMM services or are considering starting a subscription with one of those packages.


  • Enhanced Security Measures: Provides strong encryption for data in transit and at rest, ensuring high levels of data security.
  • Unlimited Storage Space: Offers unlimited cloud storage space within its plans, eliminating concerns over data volume or backup size.
  • Efficient Data Handling: Implements block-level deduplication, reducing the amount of data transferred and stored, thus optimizing resources.
  • Comprehensive Backup Solutions: Supports backups for Microsoft 365, virtual environments, databases, files, and entire servers, offering versatile recovery options.
  • Migration and Replication Capabilities: Facilitates easy migration and replication, aiding in disaster recovery and system transitions.


  • Lacks Local Backup Support: Does not offer options for local backups, potentially limiting flexibility for some businesses in their data protection strategies.

N-able Cove Data Protection is available for a 30-day free trial.

N-able Cove Data Protection Start a 30-day FREE Trial

3. Vembu Cloud BDR Suite (FREE TRIAL)

Vembu BDR SQL Server Backup

Vembu Cloud BDR Suite is a SaaS platform offering backup and recovery services that can also be used for migration and replication. The system is packaged in seven editions and you choose a plan that suits the resources that you want to protect.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Backs up servers and cloud platforms, ensuring data across environments is protected.
  • Database Security: Specializes in database backup, safeguarding critical business information.
  • SaaS Backup: Provides backup solutions for SaaS suites, enhancing data resilience in cloud applications.
  • MSP-Friendly Design: Features a multi-tenant architecture, making it suitable for managed service providers.

Why do we recommend it?

Vembu BDR Suite for Cloud Service Providers is a cloud-to-cloud backup system that is part of a list of backup and recovery services with each edition designed for a different type of business. With this version, the stress is on providing separate storage for clients’ data.

The services of each edition are different and are dictated by the type of system being backed up. However, file backup is the central medium of each package. An Apps and DB Backup edition will extract data from databases into a file and then protect that file. That service will back up SQL Server, MySQL, and MS Exchange Server databases.

There are editions for cloud productivity suites – specifically Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. Vembu also offers an edition to back up AWS accounts. All of these resources are cloud-based, so in these cases, the Vembu service operates a cloud-to-cloud operation.

On premises resources can also be protected by Vembu Cloud BDR Suite. The systems in this category that can be covered by a Cloud BDR edition are servers, endpoints, and applications. In these instances, the Vembu system stores backup files on site and then again on a cloud or remote server.

Who is it recommended for?

Although the name of this system implies that it is designed exclusively for SaaS providers, it actually works for MSPs as well because it backs up endpoints and cloud systems other than SaaS. This package is not sold to the businesses that it will protect but to their service providers.


  • MSP Support: Offers a multi-tenanted option tailored for managed service providers, facilitating client management.
  • Versatile Backup Options: Supports both local and remote backup strategies for on-premises resources, ensuring data redundancy.
  • Cloud Service Protection: Delivers cloud backup solutions for major productivity suites, including Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.
  • Hybrid Availability: Available in both on-premises and cloud editions, offering flexibility in deployment.


  • Limited Free Services: Provides a free version exclusively for AWS EC2 backup, restricting access to full features without payment.

Vembu Cloud BDR Suite is a subscription service and you can get a demo of any edition. Vembu also offers a 30-day free trial of its cloud-based services.

Vembu Cloud BDR Suite Start a 30-day FREE Trial

4. Acronis Cyber Protect (FREE TRIAL)

Acronis Cyber Protect

Acronis Cyber Protect is a cloud-based service that provides protection for a fleet of endpoints. The package includes a patch manager, an anti-malware system, and a backup and restore service.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Protection: Offers backup and restore services alongside anti-virus measures for all-encompassing security.
  • Cloud-Based: Utilizes cloud storage space for secure and scalable data repositories.

Why do we recommend it?

Acronis Cyber Protect provides a cloud-hosted server that includes a console that can be accessed through any Web browser. It accesses endpoints running Windows, macOS, and Linux. The backup unit can also backup cloud systems, such as Microsoft 365. Acronis offers its own cloud storage space as an option for repository hosting.

The backup tool scans all data before it is uploaded to the backup repository. This prevents ransomware and other malicious software from getting into the repository and destroying or corrupting data in storage.

The endpoints that the Acronis system can manage can be running Windows, macOS, or Linux. The system is also able to backup mobile devices running iOS and Android. It is also possible to backup cloud drives and applications, such as Microsoft 365, creating a cloud-to-cloud backup system.

Acronis allows the administrator to choose from a range of storage options for backup repositories and it can offer different strategies simultaneously. The tool can store to removable storage, a remote server, a private cloud, a public cloud platform, such as AWS or Azure, or to the Acronis Cloud servers.

The central console for the Acronis Cyber Protect system is hosted in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere through any standard Web browser. It is possible to enroll endpoints on multiple sites in one account. Thus, the Acronis service is not just a backup system. It is also an endpoint management service.

Acronis Cyber Protect is great as a Backup as a Service (BaaS) tool because it also provides endpoint management and anti-malware services. This cloud-based system is able to group the supervision of endpoints no matter where they are located. This is particularly useful as work from home becomes more widespread. Acronis scans all files for infection before allowing them into the repository.

Who is it recommended for?

The ability of Acronis to address every sector of business makes it suitable for any business. The company produces options for small businesses and MSPs and its combination of anti-malware, patching, and backup, enables busy managers to wrap up cybersecurity purchasing in one transaction.


  • Versatile System Support: Capable of backing up both physical and virtual systems, ensuring broad compatibility.
  • Endpoint Management: Manages an extensive fleet of endpoints across multiple sites, simplifying IT operations.
  • Integrated Patch Management: Includes a patch manager, enhancing system security and performance.
  • Robust Anti-Malware: Features an anti-malware service, providing an additional layer of protection against cyber threats.
  • Multi-Platform Backup: Supports backups for a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.


  • Additional Cost for Cloud Storage: Cloud storage space, while available, requires separate payment, adding to the overall cost.

The Acronis Cyber Protect system is offered in five editions and you can assess it with a 30-day free trial.

Acronis Cyber Protect Start 30-day FREE Trial

5. Ottomatik


Ottomatik is a cloud-based backup and recovery system that specializes in database backups. The system protects MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. It can backup those database types running on cloud platforms as well as on-premises. You can use backups for replication and migration as well.

Key Features:

  • Specialized Database Support: Focuses on backing up essential databases like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
  • Flexible Storage Solutions: Offers cloud storage options along with the ability to use personal storage accounts.
  • Secure Transfers: Ensures the safety of data with transport encryption during backups.

Why do we recommend it?

Ottomatik has a successful marketing strategy for its backup service because it has addressed every type of business with its plan levels. It includes cloud storage space in with the plans but also lets users save to their own choice of storage location. This flexibility addresses every buyer’s checklist.

The Ottomatik system includes encryption for file transfers. You can set up a local storage location as well as transferring those files to cloud storage. Ottomatik offers a cloud storage service, but that isn’t part of the package, and you can choose to back up to your account on AWS, Dropbox, Backblaze, or Google Drive.

The system will use native DBMS backup extraction methods – usually a database dump. These extracts can then be transferred as files. You can also transfer transaction logs for extra recovery options. The secure system requires a local agent installed on it – that is only available for Linux.

Ottomatik tailors its service in four plans with ranges of data throughput rates that suit businesses of all sizes. In addition, you get the option to pay for the service with a monthly subscription or annually. The yearly payment plan costs the equivalent of 10 months. However, you have to pay for your chosen subscription period in advance. Nonetheless, the provision of off-site hosting and all supporting utilities means that a business can get set up with a full backup service with a minimal upfront cost.

Who is it recommended for?

Any business will find a suitable Ottomatik plan. The Free plan includes 1 GB of cloud storage space at no extra cost and it will appeal to small businesses. The most expensive plan, Agency, is designed for use by managed service providers. The two middle plans cater to mid-sized and large organizations.


  • Continuous Backup: Enables live backups, ensuring data is consistently up-to-date without downtime.
  • Comprehensive Database Coverage: Supports a wide range of databases, providing tailored backup solutions for MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
  • Transaction Log Backups: Includes the capability to transfer transaction logs, offering enhanced recovery options.


  • Limited OS Compatibility: Lacks an agent compatible with Windows, potentially restricting use in Windows-based environments.

All of Ottomatik’s plans are available for a 14-day free trial.

6. Google Cloud Backup and DR

Google Cloud Backup and DR

Google Cloud Backup and DR is one of the services that you can add to your GCP account. The tool is primarily designed to back up the data that is held on the GCP platform, which could be known to you as data held in a GCP storage plan or it could be data that you access through one of the other GCP services. The system is also able to back up your on-premises data.

Key Features:

  • On-Premises and Cloud Backup: Capable of backing up data both on-site and within GCP accounts for comprehensive protection.
  • Database Focused: Specializes in database backups, ensuring critical data is securely copied and stored.

Why do we recommend it?

Google Cloud Backup and DR is a product of the Google Cloud Platform and so is able to backup data stored on GCP. It will back up your Compute VM data and also VMWare VMs on premises or in the cloud and it can backup files and databases on your site.

The storage space for your Google Cloud Backup and DR service isn’t included in the plan but you can add GCP storage to your account or set up a repository on some other platform. The system that you protect with this tool can be the endpoints on your site. This will protect the files on each computer.

The Google service is particularly adept at backing up databases. It has processes to extract data periodically from databases and store them in files which are then uploaded to storage. The process will also take transaction logs.

The database backup service is able to communicate with databases managed by the RDBMSs of SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, IBM Db2, SAP ASE, SAP HANA, SAP IQ, SAP MaxDB, and MongoDB.

Who is it recommended for?

The most likely buyers of this system will be businesses that are already familiar with the GCP brand. Those companies are more likely to be aware of the service’s existence than the general population. However, you don’t need to be a GCP service user to benefit from this tool.


  • Versatile Data Protection: Provides file versioning for effective rollback capabilities, enhancing data recovery options.
  • Ransomware Recovery Support: Includes a sandbox feature for testing potential ransomware infections, aiding in proactive threat management.
  • Migration and Replication Efficiency: Excellently suited for replication and migration tasks, in addition to backup functionalities.


  • Limited Third-party Platform Support: Does not offer backup capabilities for data hosted on AWS or Azure, which may limit its utility for some users.

Google has widened the appeal of its backup service by enabling it to backup on-premises data, so it isn’t just a protection system for GCP-based data. However, the company is still locked into cloud platform competition and it doesn’t provide backups for data on the AWS and Azure platforms. Cloud Backup and DR is a metered service so you pay for data throughput volumes at the end of each month. You can try out this tool or any other CGP service with Google’s $300 service credit offer.

7. Druva Enterprise Cloud Backup

Druva Enterprise Cloud Backup

Druva centralizes and deduplicates data stores from across an enterprise. This cloud-based system can backup physical and virtual servers plus cloud-hosted data. Druva is hosted on AWS servers, and it is possible to open up a Druva account and link it directly with your AWS systems.

Key Features:

  • AWS Integration: Operates seamlessly on AWS servers, offering a streamlined backup process for AWS users.
  • Efficient Data Management: Employs deduplication technology to reduce storage requirements and costs.
  • Regulatory Oversight: Features compliance monitoring tools to help manage and maintain data regulatory requirements.

Why do we recommend it?

Druva Enterprise Cloud Backup provides file and database backup for on-premises system and also SaaS packages, such as Microsoft 365. It can work through on-premises virtualization systems, such as VMware and Hyper-V and also go directly to file servers. This service is hosted in the cloud and backs up to the cloud.

You can implement full and incremental backups for our data, applying backup services to applications, servers, or file systems. The data backed up to the Druva system can be restored, item-by-item, and even integrated back into an application. The backup process will run in the background on a schedule of your choosing.

Who is it recommended for?

Druva is a well-planned service that will appeal to any type of business. However, the company doesn’t publish a price list and that is a turn off for small businesses during the investigation phase for software and services. The service will particularly appeal to mid-sized businesses.


  • Wide-Ranging Backup Solutions: Provides comprehensive file and database backup capabilities for both on-premises and SaaS environments, including Microsoft 365.
  • Virtual and Physical Server Support: Compatible with on-premises virtualization systems like VMware and Hyper-V, as well as physical servers.
  • Flexible Backup Options: Allows for both full and incremental backups, catering to various data protection needs.
  • eDiscovery and Deduplication: Offers advanced eDiscovery for sensitive data alongside efficient deduplication to optimize storage use.


  • Limited Platform Support: Does not offer backup solutions for Azure, restricting its use for businesses heavily invested in Microsoft’s cloud services.

Druva is available for a 14-day free trial.