How To See Active Directory User Login History (And Audit Logon Logoff Data)

Monitoring user login history and auditing logon and logoff activities in Active Directory is essential for maintaining security, ensuring compliance, and troubleshooting potential issues within an organization.

By keeping track of who is accessing the network, when they are logging in and out, and identifying any unusual activity, administrators can protect sensitive data and uphold the integrity of the IT environment.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to view Active Directory user login history and audit logon/logoff data, covering everything from enabling audit policies to use PowerShell and third-party tools for detailed analysis. Whether you’re an IT professional or a system administrator, this guide will help you maintain a secure and well-managed Active Directory infrastructure.

Audit Policy and Its Role in Active Directory User Login History

An Audit Policy is a set of configurations that allow an organization to track and record various security-related events on its network. When it comes to monitoring Active Directory user login history, an audit policy is crucial as it provides detailed logs of all login and logout activities, which are essential for security, compliance, and troubleshooting purposes.

What Does an Audit Policy Do?

  • Records User Activities An audit policy helps record user activities such as logins, logoffs, and other security events. This information is logged in the Event Viewer, specifically under the Security logs, enabling administrators to review and analyze user behavior on the network.
  • Enhances Security By tracking login attempts, both successful and failed, an audit policy can help detect unauthorized access attempts. This proactive monitoring is vital for identifying potential security breaches and taking timely action to mitigate risks.
  • Ensures Compliance Many regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOX, require organizations to maintain detailed records of user activities. An audit policy helps meet these compliance requirements by providing an auditable trail of all login-related events.
  • Streamlines Troubleshooting When issues arise, such as account lockouts or unauthorized access, having detailed audit logs helps administrators quickly pinpoint the root cause. This reduces downtime and improves overall network reliability.

Implementing an Audit Policy for Active Directory

To see Active Directory user login history, specific audit policies need to be enabled and configured. Here’s a detailed look at the steps involved:

1. Enable Audit Policy

  • Access Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) Open GPMC by pressing Win + R, typing gpmc.msc, and hitting Enter.
  • Create or Edit a GPO Right-click on the domain or Organizational Unit (OU) where you want to apply the policy and select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here. Name the GPO (e.g., “Audit Logon Events”) and click OK.
  • Edit the GPO Right-click the newly created GPO and select Edit.

2. Configure Logon/Logoff Auditing

  • Navigate to Audit Policy Settings Go to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policies > Logon/Logoff.
  • Enable Audit Logon and Logoff Double-click on Audit Logon, check both Success and Failure, and click OK. Repeat for Audit Logoff.

3. Advanced Audit Policy

The Advanced Audit Policy offers more detailed and specific auditing settings compared to the basic audit policies available in earlier versions of Windows. It allows administrators to define audit settings for a variety of security events with greater precision, ensuring that only relevant data is collected and logged.

Steps to Configure Advanced Audit Policy

1. Accessing the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)

  • Open GPMC Press Win + R, type gpmc.msc, and hit Enter to launch the Group Policy Management Console.
  • Create or Edit a Group Policy Object (GPO) Right-click on the domain or Organizational Unit (OU) where you want to apply the audit policy. Select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here, or choose an existing GPO to edit.

2. Navigating to Advanced Audit Policy Configuration

  • Edit the GPO Right-click the chosen GPO and select Edit to open the Group Policy Management Editor.
  • Locate Advanced Audit Policy Go to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Advanced Audit Policy Configuration.

3. Enabling Specific Audit Policies

  • Audit Logon Events: Navigate to Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policies > Logon/Logoff. Here, you need to configure the following settings:
    • Audit Logon: Double-click on Audit Logon, check both Success and Failure, and click OK. This setting logs both successful and failed logon attempts.
    • Audit Logoff: Double-click on Audit Logoff, check both Success and Failure, and click OK. This setting logs user logoff events.
    • Audit Account Logon: Navigate to Audit Policies > Account Logon. Double-click on Audit Account Logon, check both Success and Failure, and click OK. This setting logs user account logon events, including network logons.
  • Additional Settings: For comprehensive monitoring, consider enabling other relevant policies, such as Audit Special Logon and Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events.

4. Applying and Testing the Policy

  • Apply the GPO Ensure that the GPO is linked to the appropriate domain or OU and that the policy settings are enforced.
  • Force Policy Update Run gpupdate /force in the Command Prompt to immediately apply the new policy settings.
  • Verify Logs Check the Security logs in Event Viewer (accessed via eventvwr.msc) to ensure that the audit logs are being generated as expected. Look for events with IDs 4624 (successful logon), 4625 (failed logon), 4634 (logoff), and 4648 (logon using explicit credentials).

Event Logs and Their Role in Monitoring Active Directory User Login History

Event logs are records created by the Windows operating system to document system, security, and application events. These logs are stored in the Event Viewer, which is a built-in tool on Windows that allows administrators to view and manage these records. There are several types of event logs, but for the purpose of auditing user login history in Active Directory, the Security log is the most relevant.

Key Event Log Entries for User Login and Logoff

1. Security Log

  • Event ID 4624: This event indicates a successful logon. It contains crucial details such as the logon type (e.g., interactive, remote), the user account name, and the logon timestamp.
  • Event ID 4625: This event is logged when a logon attempt fails. It includes the reason for the failure, such as an incorrect password, providing insights into potential unauthorized access attempts.
  • Event ID 4634: This event is logged when a user logs off. It helps track the duration of user sessions and can be used to identify unusual patterns of activity.
  • Event ID 4647: This event is logged when a user initiates a logoff using the Logoff option. It is similar to Event ID 4634 but provides additional context on how the logoff was initiated.
  • Event ID 4648: This event indicates that a logon attempt was made using explicit credentials. It is useful for tracking administrative actions and other scenarios where credentials are provided explicitly.

2. Application and System Logs

  • Although primarily used for monitoring application and system health, these logs can sometimes provide additional context or corroborate data found in the Security log.

How Event Logs Facilitate Monitoring and Auditing

  • Visibility into User Activities Event logs This provides a detailed record of user login and logoff activities. By analyzing these logs, administrators can gain insights into who accessed the system, when, and from where. This visibility is crucial for detecting unauthorized access and unusual activity patterns.
  • Security Incident Detection The Security log can reveal failed login attempts (Event ID 4625), which may indicate brute force attacks or other unauthorized access attempts. By monitoring these events, administrators can respond promptly to potential security incidents.
  • Compliance and Reporting Many regulatory standards require detailed auditing of user activities. Event logs provide the necessary data to demonstrate compliance with standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, and GDPR. They offer an audit trail that can be used to generate compliance reports and pass security audits.
  • Troubleshooting and Forensics In the event of a security breach or system issue, event logs are invaluable for forensic analysis. They help reconstruct the sequence of events leading up to the incident, identify compromised accounts, and understand the methods used by attackers.
  • Account Management Event logs This assists in monitoring user account activity, such as detecting inactive accounts, identifying accounts with multiple failed login attempts, and tracking the usage of privileged accounts. This helps in maintaining the overall health and security of the Active Directory environment.

PowerShell and Its Role in Monitoring Active Directory User Login History

PowerShell is a task automation framework consisting of a command-line shell and an associated scripting language built on the .NET framework. It provides a comprehensive set of cmdlets (command-lets) that perform specific functions and can be combined to create scripts that automate complex administrative tasks. PowerShell is widely used for system management, configuration automation, and data retrieval.

Key PowerShell Cmdlets for Active Directory Auditing

  1. Get-EventLog Retrieves the event log data from local or remote computers. This cmdlet can be used to access the Security log where user login and logoff events are recorded. The following PowerShell command retrieves successful logon events (Event ID 4624) from the Security log for the past week:
Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4624 -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
  1. Get-WinEvent A more advanced cmdlet than Get-EventLog, it can query both classic event logs and the newer Windows Event Log channels. It provides more detailed filtering options. The PowerShell command below retrieves detailed information about successful logon events:
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4624} | Select-Object TimeCreated, Id, LevelDisplayName, Message
  1. Search-ADAccount This cmdlet can find and retrieve information about user accounts, including their last logon time. The PowerShell command below lists user accounts that have been inactive for the last 90 days, providing the last logon date:
Search-ADAccount -UsersOnly -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 90 | Select-Object Name, LastLogonDate
  1. Get-ADUser Retrieves properties of AD user accounts. It can be used to extract specific login attributes. The following PowerShell command retrieves the last logon date of a specified user:
Get-ADUser -Identity username -Properties LastLogonDate
  1. Get-ADComputer Similar to Get-ADUser, but for computer objects in AD. Useful for tracking login activity on specific machines. This powershell command below lists all computers and their last logon dates:
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property LastLogonDate | Select-Object Name, LastLogonDate
  1. Auditing Login History Here’s an example PowerShell script that retrieves and exports the last logon details for all users in a domain to a CSV file:
$logons = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties LastLogonDate | Select-Object Name, LastLogonDate

$logons | Export-Csv -Path "C:\ADUserLogonHistory.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Third-Party Tools and Their Role in Monitoring Active Directory User Login History

While the built-in Audit Policy, Event Logs, and PowerShell offer a way to view Active Directory user login history, managing and analyzing them, especially for large organizations, can be cumbersome. This is where third-party Active Directory management tools come in.

Third-party tools offer more efficient and user-friendly approaches that enhance the native capabilities of Active Directory, providing detailed insights, real-time monitoring, and robust reporting. These tools are great for organizations looking to enhance security, improve operational efficiency, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus (FREE TRIAL)

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus is a popular third-party tool that exemplifies these benefits. It provides real-time auditing of Active Directory changes, user login activity, and logon/logoff events. It is an excellent example of a third-party tool that significantly enhances AD auditing capabilities. It provides among other things:

  • Real-Time Monitoring Continuous tracking of logon/logoff events with instant alerts for suspicious activities.
  • Comprehensive Reporting Detailed reports on user logon activities, work hours, inactivity, and more, tailored to various compliance requirements.
  • Interactive Dashboards Visual representations of user activity trends and anomalies for quick analysis.
  • Ease of Use Intuitive interface and seamless integration with other ManageEngine products and third-party solutions.

A 30-day free trial is available on request.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Access a 30-day FREE Trial

While ManageEngine ADAudit Plus is a great example, there are several other third-party tools available with varying features and functionalities. Consider your specific needs and budget when choosing the right tool for your organization.


By implementing audit policies, configuring advanced audit settings, utilizing event logs, leveraging PowerShell scripts, and deploying third-party tools, organizations can achieve comprehensive visibility into user activities. These methods not only enhance security by detecting suspicious behaviors but also streamline compliance reporting and troubleshooting efforts. Investing time and resources into effective auditing practices ensures that your Active Directory environment remains secure, efficient, and compliant with regulatory standards.