Information Security
You may not have heard of typosquatting before but it can have some pretty serious consequences. This post looks at how typosquatting works and what you can do to defend against it.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on January 25, 2024
Form action Hijacking attacks can compromise your personal information online. In this post, we look at how that attack works and what you can do to prevent them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on October 26, 2023
Masquerade attacks can be difficult to detect because the attackers use valid credentials. This post takes looks at how masquerade attacks work and provides tips on how to defend against them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on December 21, 2023
Software vulnerabilities are quite common but if even one of them turns out to be a zero-day, the damage could be massive. We look at what zero-day exploits are and what you can do about them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on June 27, 2023
Shadow IT is a unique vulnerability insofar as it's largely unintentional. In this article we look at what shadow IT is, what its risks are and how to mitigiate them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on February 8, 2024
Integer overflow attacks exploit coding flaws and can have serious consequences. Learn about integer overflow attack examples in our guide.
By Josh Lake in Information Security on September 11, 2023
Hackers can use packet sniffing attacks to spy on your data. Find out what they are, check out some examples, and learn how to defend against them.
By Josh Lake in Information Security on November 1, 2023
In this post we take a deep dive into Apple's proposed client-side CSAM scanning to find out what all the fuss is about.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on December 15, 2021
Path traversal attacks may not get as much attention as other online attacks but they can be quite nasty. In this post, we look at how path traversal attacks work and how to prevent them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on November 15, 2023
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