Stephen Cooper

Stephen Cooper

Stephen Cooper has taken a close interest in online security since his thesis on Internet encryption in the early 90s. That formed part of his BSC (Hons) in Computing and Informatics at the University of Plymouth. In those days, encapsulation techniques were just being formulated and Cooper kept an eye on those methodologies as they evolved into the VPN industry. Cooper went on to study an MSC in Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Kingston University. He also holds an MSc Advanced Security and Digital Forensics from Edinburgh Napier University.

Cooper worked as a technical consultant, sitting DBA exams and specializing in Oracle Applications. With a long experience as a programmer, Cooper is able to assess systems by breaking into programs and combing through the code. Knowledge of IT development and operations working practices helps him to focus his reviews on the attributes of software that are really important to IT professionals.

After working as an IT consultant across Europe and the USA, he has become adept at explaining complicated technology in everyday terms. He is a people person with an interest in technology

Articles by Stephen

You might hear that a network device is Layer 2, but what does that term mean?
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on December 2, 2024
Sometimes, user accounts get locked and you need to work quickly to give them their access back. Use automation for speed. 
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on December 31, 2024
Cloud services need to be protected. This is the service offered by cloud workflow security platforms.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on September 11, 2024
Cloud-based assets news to be protected just like your on-site systems. Find out scout cloud workload security.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on December 12, 2023
Tune your mainframe’s performance and head off operating problems through constant, automated monitoring.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on June 7, 2024
Perimeter 81 is a virtual network system that can create a corporate network internet from the public medium of the internet.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on October 10, 2022
NinjaOne Backup is a data protection solution that MSPs can offer to their clients. The service competes in a busy market, so let’s find out how it stacks up. 
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on July 14, 2022
Serverless architecture requires a new monitoring strategy. We explain how these services work.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on September 1, 2022
DataDome offers protection from Web-bound threats that include card fraud, account takeover, and server attacks.
By Stephen Cooper in Net Admin on August 29, 2023
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