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Paul Bischoff

Paul is Comparitech’s editor and a regular commentator on cyber security and privacy topics in national and international media including New York Times, BBC, Forbes, The Guardian and many others. He's been writing about the tech industry since 2012 for publications like Tech in Asia, Mashable, and various startup blogs.

Paul has an in-depth knowledge of VPNs, having been an early adopter while looking to access the open internet during this time in China.

He previously worked in Beijing as an editor for Tech in Asia, and has been writing and reporting on technology for the last decade. He has also volunteered as a teacher for older adults learning basic tech literacy and cyber awareness. You can find him on Twitter at @pabischoff.

Articles by Paul

UK government cyber siege: Each employee faces 2,246 malicious emails annually, highlighting the rel
By Paul Bischoff in Cybercrime Studies on April 18, 2023
Мы расскажем, как мы анализируем скорость, безопасность и функции VPN для составления рейтингов.
By Paul Bischoff in Russian on October 17, 2022
Following news reports about popular Muslim prayer apps selling user data to third parties, including the US military, Comparitech decided to take a deeper look at apps for Muslims to find out which ones respect your privacy and which are best avoided.
By Paul Bischoff in VPN & Privacy on October 20, 2023
Dark web vendors are selling digital COVID certificates that allow residents and visitors to the European Union to travel freely between member states without getting vaccinated.
By Paul Bischoff in VPN & Privacy on March 24, 2022
Businesses can use site-to-site VPNs to collaborate on work and share resources between offices. We discuss how site-to-site VPNs work plus reveal our top recommendations, and the alternatives. 
By Paul Bischoff in VPN & Privacy on February 14, 2023
Exposed names, email addresses, and IP addresses could put millions of Stripchat users at risk.
By Paul Bischoff in Information Security on August 30, 2023
Improve your privacy and security by revoking unused and unnecessary website permissions on Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox.
By Paul Bischoff in VPN & Privacy on September 15, 2023
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