Marc is a technology journalist with over 15 years experience. He specializes in content related to emerging technologies, cybersecurity, big data, privacy, artificial intelligence, and the politics of technology.
He has worked for some of the largest tech companies (Deluxe Digital, Sony, Autodesk) and is passionate about online privacy and digital freedom.
If you're having a hard time deciding between OVPN and PrivateVPN, don't worry. Our detailed comparison looks at everything from privacy, security, pricing, streaming, and more.
If you're unable to access SlingTV when using AtlasVPN, we've got solutions. This guide will help you troubleshoot the issue and present you with some great alternative VPNs.
If you're having issues accessing SlingTV when using PureVPN, we've got solutions. This guide will help you with troubleshooting tips and present you with some great alternative VPNs.
Having trouble choosing between OVPN and IPVanish? Don't worry. Our detailed comparison looks at everything from privacy, security, pricing, streaming, and more.
Having a hard time choosing between TunnelBear and IPVanish? Not to worry. Our detailed comparison looks at everything from privacy, security, pricing, streaming, and more.
Your location data is up for sale and local law enforcement may well be the buyer. This article looks at Fog Data Science's practices and provides tips to stop them.
Zero-click attacks are nasty business. This post explains in detail what zero-click attacks are and what we can do to mitigate them. Keep reading to find out more.
If you're having issues accessing SlingTV when using Avast Secureline VPN, we've got solutions. This guide will provide you with troubleshooting tips and outline some great alternative VPNs.
NordVPN is our top recommended VPN for SlingTV, but that doesn't mean you can't encounter problems. If you're having issues with SlingTV using NordVPN, this helpful guide will resolve them.