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Marc Dahan

Marc is a technology journalist with over 15 years experience. He specializes in content related to emerging technologies, cybersecurity, big data, privacy, artificial intelligence, and the politics of technology.

He has worked for some of the largest tech companies (Deluxe Digital, Sony, Autodesk) and is passionate about online privacy and digital freedom.

Articles by Marc

QR codes are kind of cool. But they're also vulnerable to a pretty nasty online attack, called QRLjacking. In this post we look at what QRLjacking is and how you can avoid it.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on December 27, 2023
Online attacks are extremely prevalent and can do a lot of damage. In this article, we focus on CORS attacks, how they work and what you can do to avoid them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on September 22, 2023
You may have heard of Man in the Middle attacks. One subtype of this attack is called a Man in the Browser attack (MitB). We look at what MitB attacks are and what you can do to prevent them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on November 5, 2021
Most of us like technology and where it takes us. But can it go too far? In this post, we discuss digital passports and some of their potential consequences.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on May 20, 2021
Remote code execution attacks can be quite nasty. In this article, we explain how RCE attacks work and what you can to to protect against them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on March 10, 2022
Session hijacking can leave you locked-out of your critical accounts. Read on to learn what session hijacking attacks are and what can be done to avoid them.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on December 22, 2023
VPNs are meant to hide your original IP address. But in certain circumstances, your IP address may be leaking. This post looks at how IP leaks occur and what you can do about them.
By Marc Dahan in VPN & Privacy on September 28, 2023
Reverse tabnabbing is a common online attack that can compromise your online accounts. Thankfully, it's not hard to protect against it. We show you how in this post.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on April 23, 2021
SIM swapping fraud is difficult to protect against but that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. In this post, we look at how SIM swapping fraud works and how you can avoid it.
By Marc Dahan in Information Security on January 31, 2024
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