Marc is a technology journalist with over 15 years experience. He specializes in content related to emerging technologies, cybersecurity, big data, privacy, artificial intelligence, and the politics of technology.
He has worked for some of the largest tech companies (Deluxe Digital, Sony, Autodesk) and is passionate about online privacy and digital freedom.
Command and control attacks can be devastating to your organization. This post takes an in-depth look at command and control attacks and provides tips on how to defend against them.
As Iot devices grow in popularity, the number of threats that come with these devices is growing along with it. This post looks at the top 5 threats from IoT devices and what you can do to avoid them.
There are plenty of viruses that target devices, but macro viruses target applications - typically Word and Excel. In this post we look at how macro viruses work and what you can do to avoid them.
Pass the hash attacks can be very difficult to detect because attackers use "legitimate" credentials to pull them off. This post looks at how these attacks work and what you can do to defend against them.
If your infrastructure is vulnerable to server-side request forgery attacks, the consequences could be devastating to your organization. We explain how SSRF attacks work and how you can avoid them.
You may not have heard of typosquatting before but it can have some pretty serious consequences. This post looks at how typosquatting works and what you can do to defend against it.
Form action Hijacking attacks can compromise your personal information online. In this post, we look at how that attack works and what you can do to prevent them.
Masquerade attacks can be difficult to detect because the attackers use valid credentials. This post takes looks at how masquerade attacks work and provides tips on how to defend against them.
Software vulnerabilities are quite common but if even one of them turns out to be a zero-day, the damage could be massive. We look at what zero-day exploits are and what you can do about them.