common computer viruses list

We hear about computer viruses and other types of malware all the time, be it in the news or from a friend or colleague who has been affected. Unfortunately, many of us also have first-hand experience with various types of malware. In fact, as of 2025, approximately 190,000 new malware attacks are occurring every second, with nearly 90% of all cyber threats being phishing or other social engineering schemes. With this staggering volume, it’s very likely that you or someone you know has dealt with malware recently.

While there are methods to protect against, detect, and remove many forms of malware, some attacks are more stubborn. The key is knowing what to look out for and having a plan in place to deal with an attack.

In this post, we provide an encyclopedia of common computer viruses and other malware and some other common terms related to malware attacks. At the end of the post, you’ll find advice on how to prevent malware attacks and tips for detection and removal.

See also:

A-Z Encyclopedia of common types of malware


Common viruses beginning with A


Short for advertising supported software, this unwanted software bombards you with advertisements. Adware typically targets web browsers and earns money for its developers by presenting you with ads. It can represent a privacy risk as some adware can track your browsing history to help serve you targeted advertising, and your profile may be sold to third parties.


This password-stealing spyware is openly sold as a software for monitoring your own computer. Licenses are bought in exchange for Bitcoin. Although the proprietors claim that this should not be used on computers without authorized access, they give tips on how to deploy the product while evading antivirus software.


While officially dismantled in 2017, Andromeda’s source code continues to influence the cybersecurity landscape. As of 2024, security researchers have identified new variants incorporating Andromeda’s architecture in targeted campaigns against financial institutions across Eastern Europe and Asia. These modern variants leverage the botnet’s modular structure while adding sophisticated evasion techniques to bypass modern security systems.


A banking Trojan targeting Android systems, Anubis is often delivered via malicious apps from within the Google Play Store. Once it’s executed, the malware requests permission for access to the device. If given, it can simulate button clicks and steal user data. It’s also capable of sending SMS spam, recording sound, taking screenshots, tracking location, and keylogging. An attack may even involve a ransomware component.



A backdoor is a method of bypassing regular authentication to gain access to a system. It is used by hackers to gain remote access to a computer or network.


Baldr is a stealer, similar to a banking Trojan, but with a slight twist. A stealer will enter a system, collect data, and leave right away. It looks for information such as browser history, passwords, cookies, and files that contain valuable data.


A cryptominer that targets enterprises, mainly in China. Beapy uses leaked US National Security Agency (NSA) hacking tools to spread through networks via malicious emails. It uses a file-based cryptojacking technique that is fast and efficient and can generate up to $750,000 per month.

BlackCat (ALPHV) Ransomware

BlackCat was the first professional ransomware written in Rust, making it highly portable across operating systems. In 2024 alone, it targeted over 60 organizations and pioneered new extortion techniques, including threatening to report victims to regulatory authorities for data breaches.


A group of devices that are collectively controlled by malware and used to carry out some malicious activities. Device users may be completely unaware that malware has found its way onto their system and that their device is being used in such a manner.

Browser hijacker

A type of malware that makes modifications to a browser’s settings without permission from the user. It is typically used to inject advertisements and may replace specific pages, such as a homepage, error page, or search engine.


Cardinal RAT

Thought to have gone away in 2017, this Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that targets Windows systems surfaced again in 2019.  It can steal credentials, log keystrokes, capture screenshots, and clean out cookies from browsers.


Cerber is a ransomware that gained prominence in 2016, but its variants continued to pop up in 2017. It encrypted Windows files and was typically spread via an email (both the attachment and a link within the email could execute the malware) or exploit kit. Some criminals got creative and spread Cerber ransomware via a US government site and a police surveillance system.


A type of malware that intercepts the contents of the victim’s clipboard. This takes advantage of the fact that we now have very long strings of characters to deal with, such as cryptocurrency wallet addresses and randomly generated passwords.


A now-defunct coinminer that could be used by cybercriminals to siphon a victim’s computer-processing power for mining Monero.

Conficker (aka Downadup)

A worm virus that targets a Windows vulnerability and spreads fast. Conficker was originally discovered in 2007 and has one of the highest infection rates in the history of malware. Unsecured machines can still be infected with the worm, which can spread through corrupted removable devices such as USB sticks. This virus wreaked so much havoc that Microsoft offered a bounty of $250,000 for information that led to the capture of Conficker’s creators.


No, this isn’t a coinminer but it may have something to do with cryptocurrency. The aptly named CookieMiner targets Mac computers and is designed to steal browser cookies along with other information. It specifically targets cookies related to cryptocurrency wallet service providers and exchanges in an attempt to steal cryptocurrencies from people who frequent those sites. To help its cause, it also steals credit card information, login credentials, and text messages.


An early form of ransomware (initially detected in 2013) on which many subsequent ransomware attacks have been based. CryptoLocker was spread via email and encrypted Windows files.


In early 2019, this was cited as the top threat in the cryptominer market since Coinhive ceased operations.

Cryptomining malware

A subset of malware that involves the mining of cryptocurrencies. Miners typically steal a host computer’s processing power, which is required for cryptomining.


common viruses beginning with D

DNS changers

A class of Trojans that alter DNS settings in order to redirect the victim’s web traffic without their knowledge.


A cyber espionage campaign designed to steal login credentials for email and other platforms. Those behind DNSpionage (suspected Iranian hackers) targeted entities within the private and government sectors in Lebanon and the UAE.


This banking Trojan first sprung up in 2012, enabling attackers to target Facebook, Twitter, and Skype users. It was thought to be done, but an overhauled version resurfaced in 2018 that steals users’ credentials as they log in to online banking accounts.


A Trojan targeting the Windows platform, Dorvku collects system information along with sensitive information from browsers. It can create a remote connection such that its controller can perform various actions on the host device.

Drive-by download

A drive-by download refers to the downloading of malware onto a device without any direct action from the user. Whereas most malware requires the user to click an ad, attachment, or link, for example, a drive-by download can be initiated simply by the user visiting a specific website.



A Trojan that attacks Windows systems and enables hackers to access sensitive data, install malware, and more. These North Korean threats remain active. The U.S. government continues to issue advisories about North Korean cyber activities, including the use of tools like Electricfish. A joint advisory released on July 25, 2024, by multiple agencies, including the FBI, CISA, and the NSA, detailed a global espionage campaign by North Korea aimed at advancing its military and nuclear programs


A modular banking Trojan that typically serves as a downloader for other banking Trojans. It also has worm-like features, enabling it to spread rapidly across networks. Emotet has proven costly to the US government, with each incident costing up to $1 million.

Encrypting ransomware

The most common type of ransomware, encrypting ransomware will encrypt files and demand a ransom be paid in return for the decryption key. If paid, the criminal may or may not hand over instructions for obtaining the key.

Exploit kits

These are automated programs that bundle multiple exploits. Each exploit is designed to take advantage of a specific known vulnerability in a popular software such as Adobe Flash or Internet Explorer. When a vulnerability is exploited, a malware payload can be dropped. Kits are used to spread a variety of malware types.


Fileless malware (aka non-malware or invisible malware)

A class of malware that loads directly onto a Windows system by hijacking built-in tools. It’s not stored in a file and doesn’t reside on the victim’s machine. Fileless malware is difficult to detect by antivirus software because there’s no digital signature to look out for.


This malware hijacks browsers in order to manipulate a user’s web traffic. It can use this to generate ad revenue. Fireball can also run code on a victim’s computer so can download any type of malware. By mid-2017, it had affected more than 250 million computers across the globe.


A remote access Trojan distributed by the cybercriminal group TA505 via phishing campaigns. The group mainly targets organizations in the retail and financial sectors.


This malware that steals data and grabs forms has been around since 2016. FormBook is typically delivered via malicious email attachments. The perpetrators behind this malware have mainly targeted the US and South Korea, with particular focus on companies within the aerospace and defense contractor sectors, as well as manufacturing.



One of the most prolific botnets in history, this affects Windows machines. At the end of 2017, along with Necurs (see below), Gamut was responsible for the vast majority of all email spam.


A ransomware holding a large portion of the ransomware market in 2019. GandCrab targets Windows machines and spreads via email, popups, and exploit kits, and includes custom notes. Ransoms range from $600 to $700,000 and are usually demanded in Dash instead of Bitcoin.


A family of malware (mostly Trojans and some adware) that target Windows systems.


An exploit kit targeting Windows systems that distributes Trojans, coinminers, and ransomware. While the original GandCrab operation shut down in 2019, its developers’ expertise transitioned to REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware, which has continued to evolve. By 2024, security researchers identified code similarities between GandCrab and several newer ransomware families, suggesting its developers continued to influence the ransomware landscape even after the original operation ceased.


This is a type of adware that showed up in Android apps in the Google Play Store. It performed an ad-clicking function that resulted in a profit for its creators. Apps containing the Guerilla malware were detected and removed from the Google Play Store in 2018.

This Android adware has evolved significantly since its 2018 discovery. Modern Guerrilla variants employ increasingly sophisticated techniques to bypass Google Play Store security, using delayed activation and encrypted payloads to evade detection. In 2024, a new Guerrilla campaign was identified targeting financial apps in Southeast Asian markets, showing how this threat continues to adapt to regional targets.


A Trojan that opens a backdoor allowing a hacker to perform actions on the victim’s’ Windows computer. The hacker may be able to read and write to files and the registry, take screenshots, and create processes.



An adware and spyware that targets Android systems. Hiddad takes legitimate apps and repackages them before releasing them to a third-party store. This malware mainly displays ads, but it can also obtain sensitive data by accessing security information within the operating system.


An Android malware that mines Monero, HiddenMiner hides itself well on the device and continues to mine until resources are exhausted. It can lead to overheating and failure of the device.


A backdoor Trojan used by North Korean hackers. The Hoplight malware collects information about the infected device and sends it to a remote server. The remote connection also affords hackers the ability to send commands and carry out certain actions on the host device. In April 2019, the US government issued a security alert warning about Hoplight, which attributed the malware to North Korea’s primary government-backed hacking group, referred to as Hidden Cobra, Guardians of Peace, or the Lazarus Group.

Hybrids (aka exotic forms or blended threats)

These are some of the terms you may come across describing malware that combines two or more traditional types of malware. For example, a piece of malware may present itself at a harmless piece of software, classing it as a Trojan, but it also spreads like a worm, making it a Trojan worm.



This data-locking Trojan is the newest iteration of the Globe Imposter malware. It targets Windows PCs and is likely spread through fake updates, spam emails, and infected software. It encrypts files, adding the extension .IGAMI to the filename, and then drops a ransom note, which uses strong social engineering tactics.



This is a JavaScript coinminer that is embedded into websites. While it can be used legitimately, like Coinhive and Cryptoloot, it can also be abused. Malware authors can use the JavaScript library to hijack website visitors’ resources and use them to mine cryptocurrency. In March 2018, JSEcoin was listed as one of the top four malware threats by CheckPoint.

Once a major cryptojacking threat, JSEcoin’s official mining service shut down in 2020. However, modified versions of its code continue to appear in cryptojacking campaigns. As of 2024, security researchers have identified JSEcoin-based scripts targeting vulnerable WordPress sites to mine newer cryptocurrencies, showing how older tools can be repurposed for continued exploitation.



A new version of the DNSpionage malware discovered in 2019. Karkoff “improves” upon DNSpionage by allowing the authors to monitor and select targets.


A type of spyware that logs keystrokes. Keyloggers have legitimate uses, such as for employers monitoring employees, but are often used maliciously to steal information.


A botnet that as of April 2018 was the largest in the world. Having the ability to evade detection by antivirus software, the Kraken botnet reportedly sent 9 billion spam messages per day.

Kraken Cryptor

A ransomware that surfaced in 2018 and was downloaded from legitimate spyware provider site It checks the language and location of the Windows system before executing.

This ransomware has evolved into what analysts now call “Kraken 2.0,” featuring double extortion techniques where attackers both encrypt files and exfiltrate sensitive data. By 2024, it had become a significant player in the Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) market, offering affiliates up to 70% of ransom payments and primarily distributed through compromised RDP connections.


This banking Trojan was developed in 2014 and was able to perform tasks such as keylogging and form-grabbing (to steal online banking login credentials). It was developed such that it could be easily injected and was difficult to detect, bypassing antivirus software. An interesting fact about Kronos is that it was developed and distributed by Marcus Hutchins, the malware researcher who became an “accidental hero” in 2017 when he halted the spread of the WannaCry ransomware.


Common viruses beginning with L


A spyware that can monitor, block, or modify emails. LightNeuron can also act as a backdoor, enabling hackers to execute code remotely.


This banking Trojan targets Brazilian PC users. Although it hasn’t been found outside of Brazil yet, it’s still very new, having only been discovered in April 2019. LoadPCBanker primarily functions as spyware, more specifically, a clipper, monitoring the clipboard of the infected device for passwords, credit card numbers, and other valuable information.


Currently one of the most active ransomware operations as of early 2025, LockBit is responsible for high-profile attacks against critical infrastructure. The latest variant, LockBit 3.0 (aka “LockBit Black”), offers affiliates up to 80% of ransom payments


A Trojan that can covertly steal information. Because many email providers now effectively block many malicious emails, Lokibot creators attempt to bypass these detection systems by hiding the malware inside a .PNG file.


A tool utilized by hackers to exploit Android vulnerabilities. Lotoor allows hackers to gain root privileges on a compromised mobile device.



An exploit kit that attacks Internet Explorer vulnerabilities. Magnitude versions usually target select Asian countries, for example, Magnitude EK targets South Korea.


The general term used to describe malicious software. Any file or program that can cause harm to a computer user is considered malware. There are many different types of malware such as Trojans, worms, spyware, ransomware, viruses, and more.


Online advertisements used to spread malware. These may be present on legitimate sites, often without the knowledge of the site owner.


A malware that infects devices such that they become part of a botnet. Mirai scans for Internet of Things (IoT) devices that use ARC processors. If the default username and password haven’t been changed, the device can become infected. Using its army of devices (or bots), the botnet can be employed to carry out DDoS attacks. One such attack on Dyn was believed to have involved 100,000 devices.



A remote access Trojan that targets Windows systems and surfaced around 2013. It disables the operation of an antivirus program and generates false alerts or error messages, prompting the user to install an updated version of application software or an antivirus program. In the background, the malware drops payloads and can spy on and threaten the user. The cybercriminal can eventually use the system as part of a botnet.


A botnet that uses Windows machines and has a new hiding technique enabling it to evade detection. Necurs has been used for various payloads, including cryptominers, banking Trojans, DDoS tools, and ransomware.


A Trojan worm that targets Windows machines and spreads easily from computer to computer by itself. NotPetya is infamous for causing massive damage costs to companies across the globe, estimated to be $1.2 billion in total, including $300 million for Danish company, Maersk.


A Windows-targeting exploit kit which functioned via an “exploit-as-a-service” model. Nuclear hasn’t been around for a while, but at one point, the team behind it was reportedly earning around $100,000 per month by renting the kit to criminals.


Overwrite virus

A type of virus that can destroy original program code by overwriting data in the computer system’s memory. Overwrite viruses are considered more harmful than many others because they can cause permanent damage to a system.


Panda (aka Zeus Panda or Panda Banker)

A spin-off of the Zeus banking Trojan that also targets cryptocurrency and social media, among other industries. Not to be confused with Panda Antivirus software.


A polymorphic virus-–one that can create slightly different versions of itself to evade detection. Parite is a file infector worm that can infect all executable files on shared and local network drives of a Windows system.


Qbot (aka Qakbot)

This password-stealing malware was first detected a decade ago but resurfaced in 2019, attacking thousands of Windows systems. Qbot is periodically reconfigured by its controllers, which makes it very difficult to detect.


Common viruses beginning with R


A banking Trojan that steals credentials and personal data, among other information. At one point in 2018, Ramnit infected over 100,000 Windows machines in just two months.


A Trojan that installs malicious browser extensions or infects extensions that are already installed. First discovered in 2018, Razy can carry out its functions in Chrome, Firefox, and Yandex. The process is different within each browser, but the main functionality is to steal cryptocurrency. Razy does this through a combination of techniques, including replacing wallet addresses with that of the perpetrator, spoofing QR code images that point to wallets, modifying cryptocurrency exchange web pages, and spoofing search results.

Resident virus

A type of virus that remains stored within a computer’s memory. This enables it to infect additional files run by the computer, even if the original program is no longer running.


A malware family discovered in early 2019 that uses a multi-stage process, including initial delivery through instant messaging client like Skype, an encrypted file, an executable, and a downloader.

RIG exploit kit

An exploit kit targeting Adobe Flash used to spread banking Trojans, ransomware, coinminers, and more. This was one of the most popular kits doing the rounds in 2018 and early 2019. RIG remains active in 2024, though it has evolved to focus primarily on cryptocurrency theft rather than ransomware deployment. Recent campaigns leverage newly discovered vulnerabilities in browser plugins and target users in Asia and Eastern Europe


The term used for a collection of software (often malware) that enables a hacker to gain remote access to and control over a system. The rootkit opens a backdoor and delivers various other types of malware, such as keyloggers, ransomware, and viruses.

Router Virus

The term “router virus” is often used but is not entirely accurate. Traditional viruses target specific operating systems on devices like computers or phones. However, malware designed to infect a router’s firmware is a real and serious threat. This malware can disrupt your router’s normal functioning and potentially wreak havoc on your network.

Router viruses can have serious consequences for your online security. If your router is infected, the malware can eavesdrop on all traffic flowing through the router, potentially exposing your passwords, financial information, and other sensitive details. 

The malware can also redirect you to phishing websites designed to steal your personal information or infect your devices with malware without your knowledge through drive-by downloads. Worst of all, your router can be forced to join a botnet, a large network of compromised devices used to launch cyberattacks. This can slow down your internet connection and implicate you in online crime without your knowledge.


A Monero cryptominer that hit the news in 2018 when it attempted to exploit 30% of worldwide networks. RubyMiner finds vulnerable web servers to use in a mining pool.


A relatively new ransomware that targets enterprise victims. According to Security Boulevard, Ryuk is the main reason that the average ransom payment shelled out during a ransomware attack rose sharply by 90% in early 2019 to over $12,000.



A family of malware, the members of which are mostly worms. Sality worms typically run automatically and infect executable files on Windows systems through a discoverable or removable device. Some variants also combine a keylogger as well as a Trojan downloader for installing more malware.


This ransomware gained notoriety as one of the first pieces of malware to be used in highly targeted attacks that used custom infections. Organizations were studied prior to an attack so that vulnerabilities could be identified. Once a way in was selected, the attack was launched via a variety of methods, including exploit kits and brute force attacks. The attacks targeted government organizations and major companies, but the perpetrators were .


Scareware is a form of deceptive malware aimed at exploiting fear to drive users into rash, and often costly, actions. Unlike traditional ransomware, it doesn’t directly encrypt your files. Instead, it bombards you with alarming pop-ups and warnings about supposed infections, viruses, or security breaches. The end goal is to trick you into paying for fake antivirus software or “removal” tools that, in reality, might contain further malware. While less prevalent than other malware types, scareware can still pose a threat, particularly to less tech-savvy users. A reputable antivirus suite is capable of detecting and eliminating most scareware.


A rootkit affecting Windows systems that gains persistent access. Scranos can steal information stored in a browser, including passwords and payment information, and uses browsers to click ads to gain revenue for its creators.


A class of ransomware that limits your ability to access certain system functions and computer files.


A backdoor for establishing remote desktop access to Windows systems. Making the news in early 2019, ServHelper also acts as a downloader for the RAT, FlawedGrace.


A Trojan targeting Linux systems, Shellbot connects the victim’s system to the hacker to create a backdoor for stealing information and remote operation, including the delivery of additional malware.


This is a second-stage downloader that has been around since 2011, but its popularity dramatically increased in 2019. SmokeLoader is used to load other malware, including banking Trojans such as Retefe and Trickbot.


A Monero miner that used the same ExternalBlue exploit that helped WannaCry proliferate. This miner managed to steal millions of dollars worth of Monero, having at one point more than half a million devices under its control.


A fileless encrypting ransomware that injects code into a legitimate Windows system process. It then self-destructs while the host process executes the encryption.

Spacefiller virus (aka cavity virus)

A rare class of virus that installs itself by filling empty parts of a file. This method of infection helps make the virus difficult to detect as the file size doesn’t change.


A class of malware that’s usually designed to steal information of some type, including internet usage data, credit card information, and login credentials. Depending on the type of spyware, it may be able to record keystrokes, capture screenshots, access and change your device settings, and even use your device’s camera and microphone.


New in 2019, this piece of malware is used by threat group FIN7 (also known as Carabank). SQLRate is distributed as a malicious email attachment drops and executes SQL scripts within a compromised system. It doesn’t leave a trace, making it difficult to track or reverse-engineer.



An exploit kits that exploits Microsoft vulnerabilities through malicious Microsoft Office documents. Threadkit is used to spread various malware, including Trickbot and Lokibot.


rickBot has evolved significantly since 2018. After a coordinated takedown effort by Microsoft and cybersecurity partners in 2021, its operators shifted focus to more advanced malware like BazarLoader. However, TrickBot’s infrastructure still resurfaces periodically, with the latest variant detected in December 2023 specifically targeting healthcare organizations


Dubbed “the world’s most murderous malware” by MIT Tech Review, Triton was designed to attack specific physical safety systems. It can tamper with emergency systems and shut down processes, potentially leading to physical harm.


Also described as a Trojan horse, this subset of malware poses as a legitimate piece of software. A user is typically duped into downloading and executing the software by some means of social engineering and a cybercriminal uses the software to carry out some form of attack. Because users install Trojans, they can bypass firewalls that would normally prevent malware from communicating over the internet, and they often download more malware onto the device.



A malvertising software targeting Apple users, VeryMal uses a technique called stenography in which information is hidden in plain sight. It runs display ads purporting to be for Flash updates or PC repair software.


This Trojan has been around since 2014 but was spotted as recently as April 2019 posing as free antivirus software. Once installed on Windows systems, it can perform activities on the host computer without the victim’s knowledge, such as collecting system information, keylogging, establishing remote access connections, dropping malware, and carrying out DDoS attacks.


A type of malware that can propagate and spread from one computer to another. Most viruses involve an executable file, which means they require a user action to activate and spread.


A defect or weakness in a system that can be exploited in an attack. For example, a hacker can use some vulnerabilities to gain access to a system and drop a malware payload.



A ransomware worm targeting Windows operating systems. WannaCry was part of a major attack in May 2014, which affected hundreds of thousands of machines, holding information for ransom demanded in Bitcoin.


A type of malware that can replicate itself and spread from computer to computer across a network. The main difference between a worm and a virus is that a worm doesn’t need a host program or human help to spread.



This open-source CPU miner mines Monero and mainly targets MacOS and Linux systems but can work on Windows, too. XMRig continues to be a significant threat in the cryptojacking landscape. Recent reports highlight that XMRig is still frequently misused in cryptojacking attacks, with attackers employing new approaches to deploy it. For instance, a Remote Access Tool (RAT) has been used as a crypto mining dropper to execute XMRig on compromised networks, showcasing the evolving tactics of threat actors


A Trojan backdoor targeting Windows, XRat allows remote access to the affected computer. It runs in the background silently while waiting for commands from its controller. The hacker can carry out multiple actions, including keylogging, sending emails, and downloading or uploading files.


Zero-day exploit

A zero-day exploit takes advantage of a vulnerability for which there is no known patch.


A computer that is being used by a hacker for nefarious purposes without the knowledge of the computer’s owner. A hacker will usually exploit multiple devices at a time to form a zombie army (botnet).

Current malware trends

  1. Ransomware evolution: Double extortion tactics (data theft plus encryption) accounted for 81% of ransomware incidents in 2023, while triple extortion (adding DDoS or direct victim contact) rose to 14% of cases in the first half of the year
  2. Fileless malware: By late 2024, fileless attacks are projected to represent 70% of all serious malware incidents.
  3. AI-Assisted malware: AI-assisted malware is expected to compose 20% of new strains by 2025, indicating a shift towards more sophisticated and adaptive threats.
  4. Cryptojacking: Cryptojacking saw a 200% increase in the first half of 2023, driven by higher cryptocurrency market prices.
  5. Mobile Threats: Mobile malware accounted for 21% of total malware detections in the first half of 2023, with Android devices being the primary target.

What is malware used for?

Diagram showing different malware purposes
We’ve discussed many types of malware and how it works, but why is malware used in the first place? There are a vast number of reasons a criminal might employ malware, but here are some of the most common:

  • Steal confidential and sensitive information: Cybercriminals can get their hands on vast amounts of data via malware executed on computers or mobile devices. For example, login credentials, credit card information, digital wallet addresses, social security numbers, and plenty more can be stolen during an attack. This information can be used in other crimes (such as credit card fraud or identity theft) or sold to the highest bidder.
  • Make money illegally: There are a plethora of ways that criminals can make money using malware, such as by stealing resources for mining cryptocurrency or selling your personal information to third parties.
  • Cybervandalism: This refers to any kind of vandalism carried out using a computer. For example, a hacker may gain access to a website and deface or replace its homepage.
  • Cyber-espionage: As it sounds, cyber-espionage is a form of spying that uses computers to steal confidential or sensitive information.
  • Hacktivism: This refers to activism that involves activists (or hacktivists) misusing technology to promote a social or political agenda. For example, if a network is hacked in order to spread a political message, this would be considered hacktivism.
  • Cyberwarfare: This is a broad term that describes the use of computers or networks to cause disruption or damage.

How to detect and eliminate malware

Prevention is always ideal, but infections can slip through even the best defenses. If you suspect malware, follow these steps:

  1. Act Swiftly: The sooner you address the issue, the less damage malware can cause.
  2. A Multi-Pronged Approach with Surfshark One:
    • Antivirus: Surfshark One’s integrated antivirus offers real-time protection and on-demand scanning. If you already have another antivirus and suspect an infection, Surfshark One provides a second line of defense.
    • Web Protection: Surfshark One’s built-in web protection can often block malicious websites and download attempts proactively, stopping malware before it reaches your device.

Additional Scanning Tools: If Surfshark One doesn’t detect anything but you’re still experiencing issues, consider additional on-demand scanners like NortonMcAfee, and TotalAV.

  1. Follow Scanner Instructions: If malware is detected, carefully follow the scanner’s removal instructions. You might need to restart your device to complete the process.
  2. Second Opinion: For peace of mind, run a scan with a different tool to confirm the infection is eliminated.

When Things Get Tricky:

  • Stubborn Malware: In rare cases, malware might persist. Seek further help online – search for the malware name and “removal guide” for specialized instructions.
  • Fresh Start: A system reinstall might be necessary as a last resort. Always back up your important files before wiping your device!

Surfshark One: Proactive & Reactive Protection

Remember, prevention is vital. Consistently using Surfshark One’s antivirus features, alongside its VPN for an extra layer of security, minimizes malware risks. However, should you ever encounter a stubborn infection, its tools offer a robust solution.

The following guides will help you learn about detecting and removing specific types of malware:

How to protect against malware

The best case is to have adequate protection measures in place to ensure malware doesn’t find its way onto your computer in the first place. Here are some top tips for virus and malware prevention.

1. Keep systems up to date

Most updates to operating systems and applications include patches to security vulnerabilities. With so many threat actors ready to exploit known vulnerabilities, it’s important to install updates as soon as possible after they are released.

This can be tricky for enterprises that operate huge networks of devices, and many companies have to prioritize which updates they run. This is why malicious parties still have success when targeting vulnerabilities long after they have been identified.

2. Use a good antivirus software

While antivirus software can’t protect against every threat out there, it can do a good job of keeping the majority of malware at bay. The name comes from the fact that this type of software was originally developed to combat viruses. However, these days, it can protect against other types of malware, including Trojans, adware, spyware, and ransomware.

Antivirus software scans for and detects code of known malware and prevents it entering your system. Most antivirus software can also remove some types of malware after it has found its way onto your device.

3. Use common sense

Most malware enters systems through malicious email attachments or links, or via ads. And most cases require some type of user action, usually a click, in order for the malware to be executed. As such, many successful malware attacks are entirely avoidable.

Be very cautious about opening emails, clicking links or advertisements, or opening attachments. Learn to spot suspicious emails by looking out for telltale signs such as a too-good-to-be-true offer, misspelled company names, and poor grammar.

Image credit: “HTTP” by Gerd Altmann licensed under CC BY 2.0